Power of Education

”The extremists afraid of books and pens the power of education frightens them”is one of the amazing quotes from I am Malala about education and freedom.In my opinion, there are two different ways people view school in a positive or in a negative way. Children in America view school as a demand but children who can’t go to school appreciate the chance and opportunity.

Most kids in America view school as a demand there are many reasons such as laziness,or trying to avoid something or someone,and the most common reason why is because we feel like we could be doing more fun things than sitting in a classroom all day. Kids in America have all these luxurious things such as being able to walk where they want when they want.

We get to make most of our choices for ourselves. The biggest problem today is that we have all these goods made from these other countries which are spoiling kids and even adults while the kids in places such as Pakistan don’t have one toy.

For example, one of my friends from my old school told me that last year was the worst year of school because she didn’t try hard enough because she took school for granted,the way she fixed that was she try challenging ways to not be lazy. That showed me that I should never give up and always try hard.

While in America we view school as a demand,kids in other parts of the world at school in a way they could grow up and one day become a doctor,engineer,or even one day a scientist. In other words, Malala Yousafzai stands up for her rights as a strong woman and makes speeches about you should be who you want to be because she believes everyone should be able to get an education. It is important to strive in school for many reasons. Kids who don’t go to school are most likely to be afraid of many things such as group work. Children in places like Pakistan view school as a benediction on the contrary kids in America view school as a requirement. Education is important to Malala from the book I am Malala here’s an example,”The extremists are afraid of books and pens the power of education frightens them.”

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